Turn your haters into dollars

If you’re getting unnecessary hate for doing something that’s not even wrong, it’s fine — you can ignore those haters.

By commenting, they’re actually giving you more opportunities.

Hate comments hold no power over you — don’t let them disturb your inner peace. Ignore unwanted noise and stay away from pointless arguments. Instead, try to see the value in those comments.

The main point is that,

These are comments from real people — they’re real engagements.

The more engagement you get on an article or video, the more the algorithm thinks it’s high quality content. If the platform recommends it to others, they’ll engage as well.

After all, all these platforms — Medium, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter) — want users to spend more time on their apps or websites.

So, if your content has the power to attract, engage, trigger, and then encourage people to comment, you’re creating highly valuable content for the platform.

As a result, the platform will recommend it, and you’ll get more viewers and engagement.

More engagement = More revenue.

You can get more views, earn more money, and grow your following by proving that you didn’t make any mistakes. You can also prove that those haters are nothing but useless internet trolls.

I published two articles on Medium about using AI to write sponsored posts for Inuidea.com, which made some people angry. I got hundreds of hate comments, but I made more money promoting AI tools to the same audience. 😎

You can check out the complete story and those articles here:

I received hate comments when I mentioned making $200 using AI

I hope you have learned something from my experience. Don’t give up or feel bad because of a few hate comments, especially if you know you did nothing wrong.

If you made a mistake, apologize openly, but when you know you’re right, just keep moving forward. Don’t give a damn about what others say. Stay focused and keep growing.

Thanks for reading this article. 💚

If you loved what you read, would you be able to buy me a cup of coffee? It’s okay if you can’t right now.

If you wanna stay connected with me on Medium, please follow me Inu Etc

If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help young hustlers like you @InuEtc on Instagram.

Keep hustling!